


General information

Participating Employers Handbook

This handbook is an instruction manual intended for employers only. It contains information to enroll employees in retirement, death, survivor and disability benefits.

Participating Employers Handbook 

If you are a member, please refer to the benefit handbooks for information regarding your specific tier benefits.

General information

Forms for Employers

The following forms are provided to members by employers upon hire. Please refer to the active and retiree forms if you are a current member.

Employers should submit all new hire documents to CCCERA within the first week of the employee’s hire date or date of transfer to an eligible position.

New Member Enrollment Packet

Retiree Reinstatement to Active Membership (Form 212)

Certification for Post-Retirement Employment (Form 213)

Notice Of Public Employee Felony Conviction (Form 503)

General information

Employer Newsletters

The employer newsletter provides employers with information on policy changes and amendments to current laws.


January 2025

General information

Employer Updates

Below are letters and notices sent to employers.


AB 3025 - 12.10.24 Notice to Employers

AB 2474 - 11.7.24 Notice to Employers


Pay Codes

Pay codes are compensation items that may be included or excluded from compensation for retirement purposes. Pay codes for all employers that participate in the CCCERA pension plan are included in the lists below, along with a notation reflecting whether each pay code is included or excluded from compensation earnable (for Legacy members) or personable compensation (for PEPRA members). 

Please refer to the Employer Handbook for more information about how pay codes are applied.